Learning More About Technology

What Customers Should Know About ISO Accredited Calibration

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ISO accredited calibration is a process for ensuring that laboratory setups, facilities, and other equipment-intensive operations are using exacting standards. Organizations and individuals using precision instruments often can operate their setups outside of very tight tolerances. Whether they’re buying new systems, fixing old ones, doing modifications, or testing existing models, people often need to calibrate their equipment. The calibration process involves a lot of steps, and customers should understand the overall process well.…

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What Are The Challenges Of Batch Data Processing?

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Batch data processing is an essential part of many operations. Any organization that’s collecting large amounts of data in batches is bound to encounter some challenges along the way. Batch data processing engineers encourage their clients to prepare for these four issues. Formats and Encoding Ideally, all the data would be conveniently formatted and encoded. However, there are numerous formats, and these often include further versions of encoding. Even something as seemingly simple as opening a CSV file on a remote server can lead to encoding challenges based on the use of delimiters, text formats, and even unsupported characters.…

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Using CDI Software Solutions In Your Clinic

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For medical clinics, there can be a vast number of documents that will have to be prepared and managed. In particular, documents regarding the treatments that patients have received can be critical for managing billing, submitting insurance claims, and performing other routine processing tasks. To this end, clinics should have a plan in place for ensuring that they are effectively meeting this management need. Fortunately, there are CDI (clinical documentation improvement) software solutions that are capable of assisting medical providers of any size with this essential responsibility.…

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